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A healthy dose of nostalgia

It’s funny how one tiny thing can take you back to a specific time and place, isn’t it?


I’ve been feeling nostalgic for my childhood this week when I saw the announcement that Shrek will be back for a fifth instalment.

Screenshot of the Shrek 5 announcement tweet.

You can imagine my shock when I realised it’s been 23 years since the first film came out…


It’s a little bit like seeing your favourite band playing your favourite album years after discovering it – nothing quite matches that wave of nostalgia.


And nostalgia can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, if used correctly.


We all love to reminisce with throwbacks to specific events but combining that with a look to the here and now is where the true mastery lies.


So much has changed since 2001 and one of those is just how accessible great video is to business owners.


Long gone are the days when video production was something only big movie studios or companies with gigantic marketing budgets could consider.


Video is more prevalent than ever, and more people consume video content than anything else on the internet today – it’s arguably the best way to grab someone’s attention.


The only question is, what content do you need to produce to help you make sales, get clients, grab attention, and make a difference with your marketing?


Speak soon,

Ben (The Video Guy)

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