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Confessions of a Fussy Eater

Confession time: I’m a fussy eater.


Anyone who knows me will find great amusement in the fact that the man who eats a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch EVERY single day ended up in a Michelin Star restaurant with a tasting menu.


I was in Budapest last week with friends and as part of the trip, we’d booked a meal at Onyx, one of Hungary’s premier dining spots.


And the prospect of being faced with 12 dishes where I had no choice was pretty daunting…


But I threw myself into the experience, safe in the knowledge that a Michelin Star restaurant definitely knew what they were doing.


Lo and behold, it was one of the best meals I’ve ever had – who knew I liked pigeon?!


It was a reminder that often when you’re stepping into the unknown, it helps to be able to put your trust in a professional to make sure you have the best possible experience.


It’s the same with video…


While you might be nervous to get in front of the camera in much the same way I was to sit down for a meal where I had no idea what to expect, being able to put your faith in a videographer who knows what they’re doing is priceless.


Back to the restaurant – my favourite part of the entire dining experience was when we were instructed to wear headphones to hear the crunch of our food better, thereby enhancing the sensory experience.


Yes, really…

A collage of the onyx menu as well as the dishes and a selfie of Ben Coleman

All the best,


Ben (The Video Guy)

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