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Flexibility, consistency, and constantly checking my weather apps…

The only thing that’s predictable about the weather right now is that it’ll be unpredictable.

From rain to hail to glorious sunshine all within half an hour – it’s the sort of weather that makes recording video outside a nightmare.


Thankfully, the sun’s got its hat on as I write this email and it looks like Spring might finally be on the way.


I’ve even heard faint whispers about BBQ season starting soon…


While reliability isn’t something you can say about the weather, it’s something you always want from your marketing.


As the saying goes, consistency will always outperform occasional brilliance and regular activity creates the sort of trust and goodwill that deliver results.


It’s something I’ve been discussing with a new client of mine who’s a personal trainer.


We’re working together on video content – he’s producing content himself and I’m editing his videos.


That structure works best for him because it means he can produce video content when he’s got the ideas, and I can polish everything in the edit.


We all work in different ways and if you’ve got the right video set up, there’s no reason why you can’t record quality content yourself…


It’s why I’m always flexible on how I work.


If you’re keen to produce lots of content but want the professional edit experience to give your videos that shimmer and shine that makes them pop, I’m all ears.


Whether it’s repurposing content for social media, pulling together a new video from existing content or editing content regularly, I can help.


The important thing is that we get the result you want – I’m happy to work with you in any way that ensures we get to that point.


All the best,


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